Judge Conradie made no order as to costs.
We trust this will send out a strong message to the SABC and the CCMA that employees cannot be suspended without pay.
Judge Conradie made no order as to costs.
We trust this will send out a strong message to the SABC and the CCMA that employees cannot be suspended without pay.
Mr. Sithole confirmed that no employee will forfeit any other leave not taken, but at the same time the SABC wants to encourage employees to reduce their leave.
He confirmed that the SABC will engage organized labour soon to discuss ways and means to lawfully reduce accumulated leave.
Employees must, in terms of the leave policy take compulsory leave. All other leave will remain in tact and cannot be forfeited. No manager can compel an employee to take non-compulsory leave.
Shree Kiritbhai Acharya
The Bala & Peru performance in Port Elizabeth was a huge success. It was good fun and everyone enjoyed the show very much. It was the first time that the “uncles” have performed in PE and many people wanted to know from them when are they coming back on Lotus FM.
Raybhai and Vikashbhai are committed to bringing communities together and I fully support all their endeavours to return to Radio Lotus.
I wish them well in their endeavours.
Yours faithfully
Kiritbhai Acharya
Priest : PE Hindu Seva Samaj
------ End of Forwarded Message
Madam Chairperson of the SABC Board, please start suspending Top and Senior Management. If you fail to do so, you will be failing your fiduciary duties too.
The AG report is shocking to put it mildly.
We are planning some action.
Irene, Gab and Phumelele, why are you managing the SABC by fear? The question Mike Namane asked was effectively whistle blowing. He asked a hypothetical question in respect of the Delegation of Authority document. Instead of picking up on that and asking the Auditor General to follow up, you allowed Tsoenyane to suspend him.
You are not serious about whistle blowing, are you? You are equally not serious about so-called First Citizen rights, are you?
After this, do you think any employee will ever ask a question again in an open meeting?
This is called management by fear.
We requested and received permission to held a general meeting in Bloemfontein today at 13:00. We have incurred costs to travel to Bloemfontein only to be informed when we arrived here that the meeting has been cancelled by Vincent Tsoenyane.
We hereby request that you honor your word and arrange for this meeting to proceed today, at 13:00 as agreed.
Employees are entitled to attend this meeting in their lunchtime. Should you not arrange for a venue inside the SABC, we will continue with the meeting outside the SABC.
Hannes du Buisson
Organized Labour (BEMAWU, CWU and MWASA) leadership will be in Bloemfontein tomorrow to listen to grievances and complaints of members.
A general meeting has been scheduled for 13:00 tomorrow in Bloemfontein.
We urge members of all three unions to attend the meeting. Venue will be confirmed.
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom!
Dear Hannes
I have previously responded to your emails about this issue. This serves as a further clarity on your concerns:
- My understanding is that consultation is done between the line manager, assisted by the HR representative in that business area and the trade union of the employee. The consultation that requires your office and my office is done when dealing with collective bargaining issues or issues that affect the Corporation as a whole and not on issues that can otherwise be dealt with at plant level, with minimal interference from me.
- I advised that the consultation meeting be scheduled in Bloemfontein because both the line manager and the employee are based there. This will prevent fruitless and wasteful expenditure which I believe you are also concerned about.
- I do not intend to deal with the merits or the demerits of the matter in terms of whether there is victimization or not. There is an opportunity for you to table these issues at the said meeting and will also include them as part of the employee’s representation as such.
- It also seems inappropriate for us to refer to the matter as “Unfair Suspension” because the matter is still at a consultation phase and the outcome of this process cannot be preempted.
- Lastly, I humbly request that you attend the meeting, or at least send someone to attend on behalf of your member with a view to finding a speedy resolution.
I hope this clarifies the position of ER on this matter.
Keobokile Mosweu
From: BEMAWU HEADOFFICE [mailto:headoffice@bemawu.org.za]
Sent: 09 September 2009 11:32 AM
To: Keobokile Mosweu
Cc: Mike Namane; Vincent Tsoenyane; Kobus Potgieter; Phumelele Nzimande; Irene Charnley; Suzanne Vos; Gab Mampone
Dear Keobokile,
Why have you not responded to my questions below?
The consultation must take place between my office and your office, not with Tsoenyane and in Bloemfontein.
I am involved with the SABC for the better part of 20 years now. Not once did any consultation took place in the region, but without exception at head office.
Urgently respond to our questions below, and our request that the consultation be scheduled in Johannesburg.
We once again submit to you that the intended suspension is nothing but union bashing and victimisation from Tsoenyane, because Mr. Namane is an union official, he blew the whistle on irregularities in that region and mainly because he filed a grievance against Tsoenyane . There are absolutely no grounds to suspend him. If there were any grounds and urgency to suspend him, why did Tsoenyane refused to meet last week and why only now, weeks after the meeting?
We furthermore request your and Top management’s intervention in this matter, as a matter of urgency to protect the SABC and it’s resources against further fruitless and wasteful expenditure. Should this suspension continue, particularly under these circumstances, BEMAWU will bring an urgent application in the Labour Court to stop this senseless suspension, obviously at the SABC’s cost. How can a person be suspended for asking questions in a rediffusion after being invited to ask questions?
Hannes du Buisson
President : BEMAWU
On 2009/09/08 9:04 AM, "Keobokile Mosweu" <MosweuKE@sabc.co.za> wrote:
Dear Hannes
Vincent has consulted with the ER department on this matter and we are in agreement that the proposed meeting should be conducted in Bloemfontein.
Keobokile Mosweu
From: BEMAWU HEADOFFICE [mailto:headoffice@bemawu.org.za]
Sent: 03 September 2009 15:31 PM
To: Keobokile Mosweu
Cc: Mike Namane; Vincent Tsoenyane
Subject: FW: Confirmation: Meeting Postponement
Importance: High
Dear Keobokile,
We would once again like to put on record that the actions by Tsoenyane against one of our National Executive Members of BEMAWU is nothing but sheer victimisation because he is a union member. The SABC is about to spent again lots of money, which will be fruitless and wasteful expenditure.
This meeting that Vincent Tsoenyane is trying to arrange, must be organised by your Department. You have requested that all correspondence go via your office. Same must then apply to management, and Tsoenyane.
Could you kindly, but urgently intervene and schedule the meeting in Jhb, as is custom and practice.
We are still awaiting your reply to our previous letter in respect of the grievance.
Hannes du Buisson
Cell. 0829208669
Fax 0866715585
Tel. 012 6537380
Blog http://bemawu.blogspot.com
------ Forwarded Message
From: Mike Namane <namanesm@sabc.co.za>
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 14:52:40 +0200
To: Hannes du Buisson <headoffice@bemawu.org.za>
Cc: Vincent Tsoenyane <tsoenyanetv@sabc.co.za>
Subject: FW: Confirmation: Meeting Postponement
Mike Namane
Supervisor: Production Services
(: 051 503 3085
Ê: 051 503 3021
(: 073 206 0279/071 708 2044
8: namanesm@sabc.co.za <mailto:namanesm@sabc.co.za>
:: www.rbf.sabc.co.za <http://www.rbf.sabc.co.za/>
*: M. Namane, P O Box 563,
BFN 9300
From: Vincent Tsoenyane
Sent: 03 September 2009 14:40
To: Mike Namane
Cc: 'BEMAWU HEADOFFICE'; Kobus Potgieter
Subject: RE: Confirmation: Meeting Postponement
Importance: High
Dear Namane,
The correspondence below refers.
This is the final arrangement to inform you that I am now scheduling a meeting and the following are details:-
¢ Date: 7th September 2009
¢ Time: 10:00
¢ Venue: SABC Building Bloemfontein, the Boardroom on the 1st Floor
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards,
Thabang Vincent Tsoenyane| SABC Limited
RGM: Free State & Northern Cape Region
Tel: +27 (51) 503 3200| Fax: +27 (51) 503 3264| Mobile +27 (72) 697 6375
P O Box 563, Bloemfontein, 9301, Free State, South Africa
E-mail: tsoenyanetv@sabc.co.za <mailto:tsoenyanetv@sabc.co.za>
From: Mike Namane
Sent: 31 August 2009 13:06
Cc: Vincent Tsoenyane
Subject: FW: Confirmation: Meeting Postponement
Mike Namane
Supervisor: Production Services
(: 051 503 3085
Ê: 051 503 3021
(: 073 206 0279/071 708 2044
8: namanesm@sabc.co.za <mailto:namanesm@sabc.co.za>
:: www.rbf.sabc.co.za <http://www.rbf.sabc.co.za/>
*: M. Namane, P O Box 563,
BFN 9300
From: Vincent Tsoenyane
Sent: 31 August 2009 12:53
To: Mike Namane
Subject: RE: Confirmation: Meeting Postponement
Dear Mike,
My attached e-mail refers. This is a reminder that I am still waiting for a response on the possible dates for the meeting.
Thabang Vincent Tsoenyane| SABC Limited
RGM: Free State & Northern Cape Region
Tel: +27 (51) 503 3200| Fax: +27 (51) 503 3264| Mobile +27 (72) 697 6375
P O Box 563, Bloemfontein, 9301, Free State, South Africa
E-mail: tsoenyanetv@sabc.co.za <mailto:tsoenyanetv@sabc.co.za>
From: Vincent Tsoenyane
Sent: 28 August 2009 15:25
To: Mike Namane
Cc: Kobus Potgieter
Subject: Confirmation: Meeting Postponement
Importance: High
Dear Namane,
My discussion with Kobus Potgieter this afternoon refers.
This is to confirm that we have agreed to the postponement of the meeting mentioned in my correspondence to you. Kindly suggest two possible dates, preferably not in the coming week because of my busy schedule.
I hope the above is in order, should you require further clarity please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thabang Vincent Tsoenyane| SABC Limited
RGM: Free State & Northern Cape Region
Tel: +27 (51) 503 3200| Fax: +27 (51) 503 3264| Mobile +27 (72) 697 6375
P O Box 563, Bloemfontein, 9301, Free State, South Africa
E-mail: tsoenyanetv@sabc.co.za <mailto:tsoenyanetv@sabc.co.za>
<hr size=2 width="100%" align=center>
Disclaimer: Everything in this email and its attachments relating to the official business of the SABC is proprietary to the SABC. If the email is used other than for official business of the SABC or the views and opinions expressed in the email are not authorised by the SABC, the views and opinions expressed are those of the individual sending the email.
The content of this email is confidential, legally privileged and protected by law. The person addressed in the email is the sole authorised recipient. Please notify the sender immediately if this email and its attachments have unintentionally reached you; do not read, copy, disseminate or use the content in any way and delete the email and any copies of it.
Whilst all reasonable precautions are taken to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the information, and that this email and its attachments are free from any virus, the SABC accepts no liability however arising or responsibility whatsoever in this regard, and in keeping with good computing practice, the scanning of files and attachments is advised.
------ End of Forwarded Message
Dear Hannes
Vincent has consulted with the ER department on this matter and we are in agreement that the proposed meeting should be conducted in Bloemfontein.
Keobokile Mosweu
From: BEMAWU HEADOFFICE [mailto:headoffice@bemawu.org.za]
Sent: 03 September 2009 15:31 PM
To: Keobokile Mosweu
Cc: Mike Namane; Vincent Tsoenyane
Subject: FW: Confirmation: Meeting Postponement
Importance: High
Dear Keobokile,
We would once again like to put on record that the actions by Tsoenyane against one of our National Executive Members of BEMAWU is nothing but sheer victimisation because he is a union member. The SABC is about to spent again lots of money, which will be fruitless and wasteful expenditure.
This meeting that Vincent Tsoenyane is trying to arrange, must be organised by your Department. You have requested that all correspondence go via your office. Same must then apply to management, and Tsoenyane.
Could you kindly, but urgently intervene and schedule the meeting in Jhb, as is custom and practice.
We are still awaiting your reply to our previous letter in respect of the grievance.
Hannes du Buisson
Cell. 0829208669
Fax 0866715585
Tel. 012 6537380
Blog http://bemawu.blogspot.com
------ Forwarded Message
From: Mike Namane <namanesm@sabc.co.za>
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 14:52:40 +0200
To: Hannes du Buisson <headoffice@bemawu.org.za>
Cc: Vincent Tsoenyane <tsoenyanetv@sabc.co.za>
Subject: FW: Confirmation: Meeting Postponement
Mike Namane
Supervisor: Production Services
(: 051 503 3085
Ê: 051 503 3021
(: 073 206 0279/071 708 2044
8: namanesm@sabc.co.za <mailto:namanesm@sabc.co.za>
:: www.rbf.sabc.co.za <http://www.rbf.sabc.co.za/>
*: M. Namane, P O Box 563,
BFN 9300
From: Vincent Tsoenyane
Sent: 03 September 2009 14:40
To: Mike Namane
Cc: 'BEMAWU HEADOFFICE'; Kobus Potgieter
Subject: RE: Confirmation: Meeting Postponement
Importance: High
Dear Namane,
The correspondence below refers.
This is the final arrangement to inform you that I am now scheduling a meeting and the following are details:-
¢ Date: 7th September 2009
¢ Time: 10:00
¢ Venue: SABC Building Bloemfontein, the Boardroom on the 1st Floor
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards,
Thabang Vincent Tsoenyane| SABC Limited
RGM: Free State & Northern Cape Region
Tel: +27 (51) 503 3200| Fax: +27 (51) 503 3264| Mobile +27 (72) 697 6375
P O Box 563, Bloemfontein, 9301, Free State, South Africa
E-mail: tsoenyanetv@sabc.co.za <mailto:tsoenyanetv@sabc.co.za>
From: Mike Namane
Sent: 31 August 2009 13:06
Cc: Vincent Tsoenyane
Subject: FW: Confirmation: Meeting Postponement
Mike Namane
Supervisor: Production Services
(: 051 503 3085
Ê: 051 503 3021
(: 073 206 0279/071 708 2044
8: namanesm@sabc.co.za <mailto:namanesm@sabc.co.za>
:: www.rbf.sabc.co.za <http://www.rbf.sabc.co.za/>
*: M. Namane, P O Box 563,
BFN 9300
From: Vincent Tsoenyane
Sent: 31 August 2009 12:53
To: Mike Namane
Subject: RE: Confirmation: Meeting Postponement
Dear Mike,
My attached e-mail refers. This is a reminder that I am still waiting for a response on the possible dates for the meeting.
Thabang Vincent Tsoenyane| SABC Limited
RGM: Free State & Northern Cape Region
Tel: +27 (51) 503 3200| Fax: +27 (51) 503 3264| Mobile +27 (72) 697 6375
P O Box 563, Bloemfontein, 9301, Free State, South Africa
E-mail: tsoenyanetv@sabc.co.za <mailto:tsoenyanetv@sabc.co.za>
From: Vincent Tsoenyane
Sent: 28 August 2009 15:25
To: Mike Namane
Cc: Kobus Potgieter
Subject: Confirmation: Meeting Postponement
Importance: High
Dear Namane,
My discussion with Kobus Potgieter this afternoon refers.
This is to confirm that we have agreed to the postponement of the meeting mentioned in my correspondence to you. Kindly suggest two possible dates, preferably not in the coming week because of my busy schedule.
I hope the above is in order, should you require further clarity please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thabang Vincent Tsoenyane| SABC Limited
RGM: Free State & Northern Cape Region
Tel: +27 (51) 503 3200| Fax: +27 (51) 503 3264| Mobile +27 (72) 697 6375
P O Box 563, Bloemfontein, 9301, Free State, South Africa
E-mail: tsoenyanetv@sabc.co.za <mailto:tsoenyanetv@sabc.co.za>
<hr size=2 width="100%" align=center>
Disclaimer: Everything in this email and its attachments relating to the official business of the SABC is proprietary to the SABC. If the email is used other than for official business of the SABC or the views and opinions expressed in the email are not authorised by the SABC, the views and opinions expressed are those of the individual sending the email.
The content of this email is confidential, legally privileged and protected by law. The person addressed in the email is the sole authorised recipient. Please notify the sender immediately if this email and its attachments have unintentionally reached you; do not read, copy, disseminate or use the content in any way and delete the email and any copies of it.
Whilst all reasonable precautions are taken to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the information, and that this email and its attachments are free from any virus, the SABC accepts no liability however arising or responsibility whatsoever in this regard, and in keeping with good computing practice, the scanning of files and attachments is advised.
------ End of Forwarded Message