Wednesday, 14 October 2009


Letter from our lawyers to SABC’s lawyers re. Leave. We will see council today to bring an application against the SABC..



Fax: 011 269 7899
        F Malan/ R da Silva
13 October 2009

Dear Sir

We refer to the above matter and your letter dated 12 October 2009.
We wish to record the following:
1.           Our initial letter addressed to your client was dated and dispatched on 3 September 2009;
2.           Your client requested an extension to respond to the letter until 16 September 2009;
3.           Your client then requested an extension until 18 September 2009, which was afforded;
4.           On 21 September 2009 we were in receipt of your letter dated 18 September 2009 to which we responded in a letter dated 21 September 2009 and in terms whereof certain clarification is sought;
5.           On 29 September 2009 a further letter was dispatched to your offices in terms whereof a response to our letter dated 21 September 2009 is sought on or before close of business on 1 October 2009;
6.           On 29 September 2009 we were in receipt of your letter dated 28 September 2009 in terms whereof, inter alia, you confirmed that you are in the process of consulting with your client, presumably in order to respond to our previous letter;
7.           Still receiving no response, our letter dated 8 October 2009 was dispatched to your offices;
8.           You had at least 21 days until today to consult with your client and provide us with a proper response;
9.           Your client’s procrastination is increasing the urgency of the matter as our client’s members are being expected to reduce accumulated leave within 6 months from 19 August 2009, i.e. by 19 February 2010, or forfeit same.
We are taking instructions from our client who’s rights remain strictly reserved.
Yours faithfully

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am being pressurized to forward a leave plan to reduce my leave. I am very disturbed. 15/10/09

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