Monday, 25 May 2009


We have met with individual members of the Board and Top management today to discuss the implementation of the 12.2% salary increase. Only BEMAWU and MWASA attended the meeting.

The following came out of the meeting:

  • SABC Board and Top Management admitted and confirmed that the percentage increase they are legally liable for and obliged to implement amounts to 12.2%.
  • That it is their intention to honour and implement the agreement of 12.2%
  • That the SABC is currently in a tight cash flow position and they cannot afford to implement the 12.2% in one month,

The SABC proposed the following:

  • That the increase be staggered as follows:
  • 8% increase at the end of June 2008, backdated to 1 April 2009.
  • Thereafter 1.5% increase at the end of July 2009, backdated to 1 April 2009.
  • Thereafter another 1.5% at the end of the 3rd quarter (no specific date given) and they want to have further discussions with us as to whether they will backdate this or not,
  • Further discussions in respect of the remainder (1.2%) and whether it will be backdated or not. Indications are that it will only be implemented in the last quarter (March 2010).
  • That they are not prepared to pay any interest on the money due and outstanding to members.

We proposed the following, without prejudice:

  • 8% increase immediately, backdated to 1 April 2009 and within a week from now.
  • 4.2% on 1 December 2009 (or before if possible), backdated to 1 April 2009 plus interest from 1 April 2009.

We also proposed that the following conditions be included in the agreement:

  1. That the SABC will not retrench any BEMAWU or MWASA member in the next two years,
  2. That the SABC consents to civil judgement in the High Court should they fail to honour the (new proposed) agreement.
  3. Interest be paid on all monies not implemented now.
  4. Back pay be effected on all.

A general meeting will be held on Tuesday, 26 May 2009 at 15:00 to seek mandate from members.

We will also send out e-mails that will request members to vote. The options are:

  1. Accept the offer of management, as is.
  2. Proceed with legal action to enforce the 12.2% at once.
  3. Present a differently structured demand to management, which may include interest and if they don't agree, proceed with legal action.

A follow-up meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 28 May 2009 at 09:00 with SABC management.

We were informed at the meeting that the CWU has proceeded with a CCMA referral to arbitrate on the implementation of the agreement. We believe this is premature and detrimental to its members at this point in time, as the SABC is willing to honour the 12.2% and wants to discuss the implementation of same.


Anonymous said...

What time is the meeting?

Anonymous said...

inform us by sms
as well please

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