More than 40 employees at Radio 2000 has, for the second time this year not been paid by the SABC. Workers are threatening now to down tools if they don’t get paid immediately. Some workers already went home whilst other obtained legal advice from BEMAWU to embark on a strike. Should the SABC not pay our members immediately, we will start legal action against the SABC, which may include a strike. As most of these employees are technical staff, producers and on-air presenters, it may result in a total blackout for Radio 2000.
It is shocking and confirms our suspicion that SABC Management has no or little regard for employee rights. It is the worst treatment after dismissing an employee to not pay employees their hard earned and often very small salaries. Employees have financial responsibilities, they must pay their bills, they must buy food, they must put in petrol and pay their car installments. How are they going to do this without their salaries? But if you earn a big, inflated salary like the Management of the SABC, you obviously don’t feel the same pinch, and you make sure your salary is paid in time.
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