Thursday, 02 July 2009

Meeting on Friday, 3 July 2009

A General meeting will be held on Friday, 3 July 2009 at 13:00 at K1 Auditorium. Regions to be linked-up as usual.

It is important to attend this meeting. At this meeting we would like to get a mandate from you, the members on how to proceed with the salary issue. We would like to know if you still adamant to proceed with a strike, or should we approach the matter differently.

If you do not attend, other people may decide on your behalf.

We are aware of intimidation tactics from management. In particular the threats that they will lock-out all BEMAWU, MWASA and CWU members. We believe this is a flight of their imagination. The SABC will NOT be able to function without 70% of its operational staff.

This is not a threat, but if ANY freelancer is going to agree to perform the work of any striking member, they will no longer enjoy the protection of the unions at the SABC. We call on them to please not accept assignments from the SABC.

We also call on our members to not do the work of any striking employee, as it will work against any attempt to convince the SABC to pay us the 12.2% - a percentage we have an agreement on.

The Acting GCEO, Gab Mampone has requested a meeting with organised labour tomorrow at 10:00.

We will give feedback about that meeting here and in the 13:00 meeting tomorrow.

During a strike the principle of no work, no pay applies. If we decide to go on strike, we have to make sure we are as effective as possible. In doing so, we will make sure striking workings will get paid.

Please do not perform extra work now in order to stock-up programmes. You can refuse to do more than your daily task.

Since the producers out there are not being paid regularly, they are under no contractual obligation to provide the SABC with programs to broadcast. We have joined them in their march to the SABC. We will call on them to stop providing the SABC with material to broadcast during a strike.

BEMAWU will have its own meeting with members to determine support for a strike. We will communicate the date and time for this meeting.

Please make sure we have your correct cell number. Tell friends and colleagues too. Mail it to us at or sms it to us at 0829208669. Please include your name.

We have received new complaints of the misuse of money and fruitless and wasteful expenditure. If you know of new wastage, let us know. Our fax is 0866715585. Send us the information and you don't have to include your name. We will never reveal your identity.

If you know of any audits being done and no action taken, let us know. Now is the time to rid the SABC from all the rot.

Kindly also respond to our SMS's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re: Austerity.
Perhaps you could ask management about facility at Greyville for 40 people incl. catering for July handicap that was cancelled the night before. Of course, we will be invoiced, short notice cancellation.

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