Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Our Conditions

Herewith our submission to the SABC's Employee Relations in respect of the
settlement of the wage dispute between the SABC and BEMAWU. It goes without saying that the 8.5% must be backdated to 1 April 2009 and that this submission is without prejudice.

28 July 2009

The General Manager

Employee Relations


Dear Edwin,

Herewith the conditions:

BEMAWU is prepared to accept 8.5% ATB increase to be implemented with
immediate effect for our members on condition:

* That we will negotiate the implementation date of a further 1.5%
in this current financial year, to be implemented by no later than 1
December 2009,

* That we will negotiate the difference, being (2.2%) at a later
stage and not necessarily to be implemented in this financial year. This
2.2% could also be allocated, by agreement to regrade employees on merit and
in terms of policy.

* That Top and Senior Management start paying for their own petrol
and maintenance cost which they currently receiving for free,

* That Top and Senior Management start paying for their own DSTV,
which they currently receiving for free,

* That Top and Senior Management start paying for their newspapers,
which they currently receiving for free,

* That all outstanding audit reports be actioned with immediate

* That all fruitless and wasteful expenditure being addressed with
immediate effect and the employees involved be sued and prosecuted as per
the Public Finance Management Act,

* That if any other union negotiates a better increase, BEMAWU
members be entitled to same. (Sunset clause)


Hannes du Buisson

President : BEMAWU


Anonymous said...

I do not believe that they will honour the conditions even if they put their hands on the Bible. Sorry, but I think Management has proven themselves as to not be truthful. Anyway, see what you can get from meeting them again. Please just keep in mind that the SABC employees do not trust Management and do not believe 1 word they say.

Anonymous said...

Hi Hannes

Does this agreement means that Managers that are a member of BEMAWU and on a 130 scale does not qualify for the increase? If so how would BEMAWU assist them also to get an increase?

Louis Korkie

Anonymous said...

Let us go outside, Mr President. These Employee Relations people are making a joke of this! EXCO will never allow those PFMA things to be implemented - they will have to give up their beach houses - let us go outside!

Anonymous said...

What does it help to "amend" an agreement they have no intentions of honouring? Will they even honour the amendements?

These are dishonourable people you're dealing with!

Please make sure the Board and Minister also agrees.

It is vague. What on earth does "Scale Down" mean?

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