Monday, 24 August 2009


BEMAWU this morning had an impromptu meeting with the CPO and acting COO where the issue of leave was discussed.

The CPO confirmed that the Chairperson of the Board's directive about the taking of leave is only applicable to employees who does not have it as a condition of employment that they can accumulate leave. In other words this is not applicable to you as a member of BEMAWU.

We are/were in the process of bringing a semi-urgent application to stop the SABC forcing our members to take leave and I was requested by the CPO to hold back for the moment as the matter will be re-looked at by Exco.

Again, please do not take your accumulated leave unless it exceeds 90 days (new pool only), as is stipulated in the Leave Policy. You cannot forfeit it.


Based on questions received by members, the following clarification:

In terms of the Leave Policy, (which is a stipulated and undisputed term and condition of emplyment) you are allowed to have as many days as you have accumulated - in other words, uncapped - leave in respect of the old pool. In terms of the "Accumalative leave" you are only allowed to accumulate 90 days.

This is an example:

Time AccountDeductible fromDeductible toEntitlementRemainder
Accumulative Leave 27.58 Days 13.83 Days
Encashable Leave 74.08 Days 54.08 Days
Sick leave 185.00 Days 180.00 Days
Compulsory Leave1/1/20096/30/2010 12.25 Days 0.00 Days
Old Leave Pool Days1/1/200712/31/9999 70.42 Days 70.42 Days

This employee are entitled to accumulate leave in the first column only up to 90 days. So no leave needs to be taken here.

This employee is entitled to encash 74 days leave.

In respect of the last column, this employee has accumulated 70 days of leave. There is no capping of leave for this category. So no need to take any leave in this category, even if it was 300 days.


Anonymous said...

Mr President

I really urgently need to sell some of my leave - please force the SABC to re-open selling of leave, or my family may go very hungry.


Hannes said...

Comment noted, comrade. We will try our level best.

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