Friday, 14 August 2009

Lotus FM Saga Part 1

It reads like a story book!

This is what Mandla Soko and Thami Ntenteni are hiding from us. This is the cover-up from Senior and Top Management who are supposed to act in terms of the PFMA (Public Finance Management Act) and who are supposed to upheld Good Corporate Governance in terms of the King I and II recommendations. Certain names have been deleted for the moment to protect the individuals.

Samuels pleaded guilty at her disciplinary hearing and she only received a warning. What message are we sending to employees? The public must now pay more license fees to pay for these kind of fruitless and wasteful expenditure.

Has the money been recovered from Samuels, as is mandatory per the PFMA?

Scroll down to the last mail and start reading there first.


From: Strini Naicker
Sent: 23 December 2008 01:29 PM
To: xxxxxxxxx; Werner Steyn; Ruben Naiker
Cc: Santosh Beharie; xxxxxx; xxxxxx


Is someone out of their mind giving away all this free airtime. Werner, please investigate ASAP. This is compromising airtime revenue as other clients are receiving exposure.

Strini Naicker
Acting Group Executive
SABC Commercial Enterprises
Tel. : 011-7147396
Fax. : 011-7147167
Cell : 0827764869

From: xxxxxxxx
Sent: 23 December 2008 01:23 PM
To: Strini Naicker
Cc: Santosh Beharie; xxxxxxxx; xxxxxxxxx

Hi Strini,

Re : Airtime concerns : Premier Attractions.

Premier attractions engaged with a trade exchange with Lotus fm for a new years eve party at the ICC on the 31st December 2008 as part of celebrating 25 years of broadcasting. Attached, is the trade exchange document that includes elements that Lotus will receive with regards to the trade agreement which is valued at R93,470 (excl. vat). The document was approved on 28th of November and was actioned by SABC Commercial Enterprises on the 29th of December 2008 whereby the value of airtime of R93,470 was scheduled by Wanele's department.

After investigating the airtime attached to the New years eve party, the following is scheduled directly by the station which is over and above the trade exchange (the information is supplied to best of my knowledge obtained from Station) is as follows :

1. Promos 28/11-26/12 R153,120
2. Promos 22/11-01/12 R 31,170
3. Dj Mentions R148,310
4. OB's on 31/12 R220,000
5. Interviews x 4 R 42,600
6. Additional adhoc mentions +/- 2 (no schedule available)

Total value to client on the above R595,200 (excl. vat)

Also, there are print campaign and promotional items associated to the above which is an estimate value of R130 000.

Attached are the documents supporting how the above figure was derived. I hope this is the information that you were looking for. I am in consultation with Santosh to edit the existing top 100 promos to exclude client's names been mentioned.

As a matter of urgency please advise on the way forward.

Kindest Regards

Portfolio Sales Manager : Lotus FM
SABC Radio Sales
Tel. 031-xxxxxxx
Fax. 031-3625476
Cell. xxxxxxxxx

From: Strini Naicker
Sent: 23 December 2008 10:40 AM
To: xxxxxxx
Cc: Santosh Beharie; 'xxxxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: Air-time concerns at Lotus FM

Well, stop this immediately. Let me know of the outcome.


Strini Naicker
Acting Group Executive
SABC Commercial Enterprises
Tel. : 011-7147396
Fax. : 011-7147167
Cell : 0827764869

From: xxxxxxxx
Sent: 22 December 2008 09:22 PM
To: Strini Naicker
Cc: Santosh Beharie; 'xxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: Air-time concerns at Lotus FM

Hi Strini,

Below is an email that I sent to Santosh Beharie (Acting Station Manager) regarding my concerns. With reference to the attached trade exchange document client was supposed to receive +/- R93 000 worth of advertising which was scheduled by Wanele's department and R20,000 generic spend schedule by Radio Sales : KZN. I investigated the scheduling of commercials today, and ascertained that the Dj's mentions and scheduling of additional commercials was sanctioned by Gail Samuels. Subsequent, to this Gail had a meeting with client and approved additional flighting of commercials which are live reads and DJ mention in each show (24 hours flighting). I am not sure what the rational that was used to allocate additional commercials to client which Gail is to advise on.

My concerns, as iterated in the email below is that clients commercials are being engulfed by Premier Attractions commercials. This is a major concern, as it seems that Premier Attractions are owning Lotus fm.

These additional flighting of the Dj mentions and promos, etc. are scheduled from the 19-31 December 2008.

Kindest Regards

Portfolio Sales Manager : Lotus FM
SABC Radio Sales
Tel. 031-xxxxxxx
Fax. 031-3625476
Cell. 08xxxxxxxx

From: xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 22 December 2008 01:19 PM
To: Santosh Beharie
Cc: Suveena Devkurran; Wanele Mngomezulu; Andrew Smythe
Subject: Premier Attractions

Hi Santosh,

I have received numerous complaints from clients and Account Executives regarding their commercials been engulfed by Premier Attractions promos. As far as I am aware that the trade exchange between Lotus fm and Premier Attractions is +/- R93 000 but it seems like client is getting more value than the trade exchange agreement.

Premier attractions commercials (recorded, live reads and DJ live mentions) as being played every half hour on the station.

This is quite a concern to clients as their commercials are being lost amongst the Premier Attraction commercials. I am quite concerned that clients might want to cancel their radio campaigns.

Please could this matter be treated urgently as we have clients paying for their commercials. I will also appreciate it, if a schedule for Premier Attractions can be provided to me.

Kindest Regards

Portfolio Sales Manager : Lotus FM
SABC Radio Sales
Tel. 031-xxxxxx
Fax. 031-3625476
Cell. 08xxxxxxxx

From: Strini Naicker
Sent: 22 December 2008 07:08 PM
To: xxxxxxx; Gail Samuels
Subject: RE: Air-time concerns at Lotus FM

Hi xxxxxx/ Gail,

Please send me your urgent response tomorrow as this is a serious allegation. And it is probably compromising airtime revenues.


Strini Naicker
Acting Group Executive
SABC Commercial Enterprises
Tel. : 011-7147396
Fax. : 011-7147167
Cell : 0827764869

From: xxxxxxxxx
Sent: 22 December 2008 03:16 PM
To: Strini Naicker
Subject: Air-time concerns at Lotus FM

Hi Strini

Apologies for sending you this email...but I do believe that you are the appropriate SABC Group Executive to copy this communication to. Please refer to emails below. The core of the concern refers to the value of publicity that this commercial entity (viz: Premier Attractions) is receiving via Lotus FM (a PBS unit). A comment from the Portfolio Sales Manager of Lotus FM (xxxxxxx of Radio Active) is also attached below. I am not going to make any allegations at this stage, but suffice to say (as we both know), that SABC radio personnel (including the Station's Management) have had their service-contracts (with the SABC) terminated for lesser offenses. Perhaps, the necessary investigation can be lodged from your office?

Apologies for disturbing you during the festive season. I hope that you and the family enjoy a peaceful holiday...



----- Original Message -----

From: xxxxx>


Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 10:15 AM

Subject: RE: Marketing your best (...and your second-best) on-air products

Hi xxxxx,

I totally agree with the comments. This was a decision by the station manager.

Kindest Regards

Portfolio Sales Manager : Lotus FM
SABC Radio Sales
Tel. 031-xxxxxx
Fax. 031-3625476
Cell. 08xxxxxxxx

From: xxxxx
Sent: 21 December 2008 10:53 AM
To: xxxxxx
Subject: Marketing your best (...and your second-best) on-air products

Hi xxxxx,

Kindly refer to my email to Gail and Santosh (below).

How and why is Premier Attractions getting so much of free publicity?

The "one" commercial that features "almost all" of the DJ's voices, is almost 1 minute and 30 seconds long...and it plays at least once every hour. There is no formal log in the studio for these commercials. They are being played at will. This excludes the other commercials that are either directly or indirectly publicizing the same event...viz: "Lotus's Family-Fusion New Year's Eve party at the ICC"...and the "Song of the Year count-down at the ICC on New Year's Eve"...and the official "Lotus FM and Premier Attractions New Years Eve Party at the ICC" advertisement. This is a pure commercial venture for Premier Attractions. We have not yet factored into account the number of free-bie DJ mentions that are being made...and the ticket give-aways that are being done. So, the final question is...How much is Premier Attractions actually paying to the SABC for this publicity...and can a PBS-entity legally justify such a commercial partnership in terms of the airtime given?




Anonymous said...

Who was sitting on the disciplinary hearing? Should that panel not also be help accountable for raping justice?

Anonymous said...

the auditors both who were sent the email on 23 December should be brought to book. the acting GE sent out an email INSTRUCTING them to investigate an incident that is going to happen on 31 december. what do the wise ass auditors do - only start their investigation in the second week of January!!!

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